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A couple reading the Saga Equity Release guide on the sofa

Equity release articles

Considering equity release should involve as much wider reading as possible, here are some articles we hope you find useful.

Want to know more about equity release

Knowing the difference between a lifetime mortgage and a home reversion plan, how much equity release costs and the potential impact on benefits and inheritance, are all among the subjects we do our best to explain in these articles written exclusively for you.

Wooden house model with question mark drawn on it
How much does equity release cost?

How much does equity release cost?

From set-up fees to interest rates, we look at the cost of equity release.

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Pink piggy bank with a toy model family of 4 in front
Equity release and inheritance tax

Does equity release affect inheritance tax?

Understand how equity release and inheritance tax work and how they impact your beneficiaries.

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Two smiling people sitting on a sofa looking at a document

Getting a joint mortgage with your child

Is it the best option for them – and for you?

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Person reading a document

The bank of Mum and Dad

Can you help your adult children with their finances?

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